Newsletter – February 2011

     Ponds and Commons Committee: A contract has been approved for the chemical maintenance of the ponds to address the weeds and algae that grow in the ponds.

     Web and Communications: Only 184 residents of the 343 families have subscribed with to receive newsletters and email communications.

     Babysitters Committee: To date, 60 families have received the babysitters list. This list will be updated during the next two months by Michele Guido. Anyone with updated information for the Babysitters list should contact Michele.

     Social Committee: Easter is on April 24th. We would like to have an Easter Egg Hunt for the children. Volunteers are needed. Please contact Ginny Bolan at if you can help.

     New Business: The Crestlake Board members will no longer be scheduled to attend the meetings of the St. Joseph Village Board unless the issues arise that are a concern to residents of the Crestlake Homeowners’ Association members.

     The original Board of Directors of the Crestlake Homeowners’ Association was unable to function in 2006 due to the lack of participation of neighborhood residents. In 2007, the Association was reestablished by a group of residents who were concerned about the welfare of Crestlake. Without the Homeowners’ Association there is no organization to insure that the common areas and ponds are maintained or that there is liability insurance to protect residents from law suits if someone were injured in a common area.
     It is now 2011 and again it has become impossible to find volunteers to serve on the Board of Directors of the Crestlake Homeowners’ Association. The current members have for the most part served for multiple terms. One Board member retired this year. Two other members planned to retire but that would result in the Board losing the person with experience in pond maintenance and mowing of the common areas and the person who this year is the President of the Board. Several other Board members intend to resign at the end of this year.
     The Board of Directors is currently investigating what alternatives, including contracting for pond and commons maintenance, are available. A contractual agreement for .pond and commons maintenance is likely to result in the need for an increase in dues for the members of the Crestlake Homeowners’ Association. Anyone who has suggestions or recommendations, please contact one of the Board members.

     The Neighborhood Watch Committee is working on a Bicycle Rodeo & Child Safety Event to be held on Sunday May 15th. The meeting scheduled in March was moved to February and so will not be held.  A meeting will be held on April 21st to finalize plans on this activity. Committee members have received assignments related to this event and will report on their efforts at the April meeting.  Volunteers are needed to help with the event. Please contact Ginny Bolan at 469-5454 if you can help with this event.

No crimes were reported to have been committed in Crestlake.

Don Glenn has developed a Facebook group for Crestlake Neighborhood Watch to improve communication about issues related to neighborhood safety. You can find the group on or the address is!/home.php?sk=group_147579188634977&ap=1

     Michele Guido is no longer able to continue on the Neighborhood Watch Committee. She expressed the hope that someone from the neighborhood would step up to fill her position. The Neighborhood Watch Committee offers their sincere appreciation to Michele for all of her work during the past two years.